SimSchema.cpp File Reference

#include "SimSchema.hpp"
#include "../InitListeners.hpp"
#include "../SimListeners.hpp"
#include "../SimEngine.hpp"
#include "comp/Composite.hpp"
#include "comp/node/RootComponent.hpp"
#include "../action/Action.hpp"
#include "../action/ActionQueue.hpp"
#include "../action/ActionManager.hpp"
#include "../script/ShowingCutscene.hpp"
#include "../script/ScriptManager.hpp"
#include "../message/MessageCentral.hpp"
#include "../message/SoundCentral.hpp"
#include "../stat/HealthListeners.hpp"
#include "../area/sim_area.hpp"
#include "../area/AreaManager.hpp"
#include "../spawn/SpawnManager.hpp"
#include "../physics/all.hpp"
#include "../react/all.hpp"
#include "../action/all.hpp"
#include "../signal/SignalManager.hpp"
#include "../stat/Dictionary.hpp"
#include "../stat/DictionaryEntry.hpp"
#include "util/system/util_system.hpp"
#include "util/error/StopWatch.hpp"
#include "util/system/RealClock.hpp"
#include <cstring>

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namespace  se_core
namespace  se_core::SimSchema


SpawnManager & spawnManager ()
 Manager for Thing, Actor, Camera and Player objects.
InitListeners & initListeners ()
 Manager for init listeners.
SimListeners & engineListeners ()
 Manager of engine events.
HealthListeners & healthListeners ()
 Manager for health listeners.
Dictionary & dictionary ()
 Dictionary of string to int conversions.
bool init (const char *applicationName)
 Same as SimSchema::simEngine.init().
void cleanup ()
 Same as SimSchema::simEngine.cleanup().
void touch ()
 Force linking of dependencies.


SimEngine simEngine
 The main simulation engine object.
AreaManager areaManager
 Manager for areas.
ActionQueue actionQueue [CHANNEL_COUNT]
 Manager for actions that are to be performed.
MessageCentral messageCentral
 Manager for speech and message events.
SoundCentral soundCentral
 Manager for sound events.
ShowingCutscene showingCutscene
 Container for singly linked list containing instances of SimObject.
RealClock * realClock = 0
 Object containing the real time.
const char * appName = 0
 Application name, as registered by the application during init.
int scriptTracker = 0
bool didTrack = false
int speechCount = 0

Function Documentation

_SeCoreExport void se_core::SimSchema::cleanup  ) 

Same as SimSchema::simEngine.cleanup().

Definition at line 118 of file SimSchema.cpp.

References se_core::SimEngine::cleanup(), and se_core::SimSchema::simEngine.

_SeCoreExport Dictionary & se_core::SimSchema::dictionary  ) 

Dictionary of string to int conversions.

enums does often have use for a string representation of their values, for use in input scripts. The dictionary is where you register and query for such values.

Values are grouped.

Definition at line 85 of file SimSchema.cpp.

Referenced by se_ogre::O3dAnimationSet::animation(), se_core::DictionaryEntry::DictionaryEntry(), se_core::DictionaryParser::parse(), se_core::TextInputStream::readDictionaryWord(), se_client::CameraComponent::zoneChanged(), and se_core::DictionaryEntry::~DictionaryEntry().

_SeCoreExport SimListeners & se_core::SimSchema::engineListeners  ) 

Manager of engine events.

If you need to be notified before and after simulation steps, register your listener here.

Definition at line 65 of file SimSchema.cpp.

Referenced by se_ogre::O3dSchema::AutoInit::cleanupGameEvent(), se_core::SimEngine::go(), se_ogre::O3dSchema::AutoInit::initGameEvent(), and se_core::SimEngine::step().

_SeCoreExport HealthListeners & se_core::SimSchema::healthListeners  ) 

Manager for health listeners.

Health listeners gives casts events whenever the health of the player changes.

Definition at line 71 of file SimSchema.cpp.

Referenced by se_core::Health::adjustHitpoints(), and se_core::Health::adjustMaxHitpoints().

_SeCoreExport bool se_core::SimSchema::init const char *  applicationName  ) 

Same as SimSchema::simEngine.init().

applicationName application name which add-on modules may use to choose application specific resources.

Definition at line 99 of file SimSchema.cpp.

References se_core::SimSchema::appName, se_core::DE_DICTIONARY_TYPE, se_core::DE_FIRST_USER_TYPE, se_core::DE_MOVEMENT_MODE, se_core::DE_SUBSTANCE, se_core::DE_TAG, se_core::DE_THING_TYPE, se_core::SimEngine::init(), and se_core::SimSchema::simEngine.

_SeCoreExport InitListeners & se_core::SimSchema::initListeners  ) 

Manager for init listeners.

Init events are called when the application requests the engine to be initialized or cleaned up, or when a new game is initalized or cleaned up.

Definition at line 60 of file SimSchema.cpp.

Referenced by se_ogre::O3dSchema::AutoInit::AutoInit(), se_client::ClientSchema::AutoInit::AutoInit(), se_basic::BasicSchema::AutoInit::AutoInit(), se_core::SimEngine::cleanup(), se_core::SimEngine::cleanupGame(), se_core::SimEngine::go(), se_core::SimEngine::init(), se_core::SimEngine::initGame(), se_core::SimEngine::perform(), se_ogre::O3dSchema::AutoInit::~AutoInit(), se_client::ClientSchema::AutoInit::~AutoInit(), and se_basic::BasicSchema::AutoInit::~AutoInit().

_SeCoreExport SpawnManager & se_core::SimSchema::spawnManager  ) 

Manager for Thing, Actor, Camera and Player objects.

Responsible for creating and destroying things. You should register your ThingFactory objects here.

Definition at line 56 of file SimSchema.cpp.

Referenced by se_core::SimEngine::cleanupGame(), se_core::CompositeParser::parse(), se_ogre::O3dThingParser::parse(), se_client::PlayerParser::parse(), se_basic::SimpleActorParser::parse(), se_core::SimEngine::perform(), se_core::SimEngine::resetAll(), and se_core::SpawnAreaComponent::spawn().

void _SeCoreExport se_core::SimSchema::touch  ) 

Force linking of dependencies.

Definition at line 123 of file SimSchema.cpp.

Referenced by se_ogre::O3dSchema::touch(), and se_client::ClientSchema::touch().

Variable Documentation

_SeCoreExport ActionQueue se_core::SimSchema::actionQueue

Manager for actions that are to be performed.

Whenever an actor wants to perform an actor, it registers itself in an ActionQueue. There are CHANNEL_COUNT action queues, enabling an actor to have this many actions in progress at once. You will not access this object yourself. Instead you will call the Actor::planAction method.

Definition at line 76 of file SimSchema.cpp.

_SeCoreExport const char * se_core::SimSchema::appName = 0

Application name, as registered by the application during init.

Add-ons may use this to identify application specific resources. The platform_pc add-on uses it to choose which datapath file belongs to the application.

Definition at line 93 of file SimSchema.cpp.

Referenced by se_core::SimSchema::init().

_SeCoreExport AreaManager se_core::SimSchema::areaManager

Manager for areas.

You should register your AreaFactory in the area manager. And it is also this class you ask if you want to create a new area, or wonder wether it exists.

Definition at line 54 of file SimSchema.cpp.

_SeCoreExport bool se_core::SimSchema::didTrack = false

Definition at line 95 of file SimSchema.cpp.

_SeCoreExport MessageCentral se_core::SimSchema::messageCentral

Manager for speech and message events.

Events are cast whenever an actor has requested it wants to speak through the Actor::speak(...) method, or a MessageCentral::inform(...) has been called. Typical listeners would be Ui speech bubbles or consoles, or perhaps a sound player that plays sounds for speech.

See also:

Definition at line 81 of file SimSchema.cpp.

_SeCoreExport RealClock * se_core::SimSchema::realClock = 0

Object containing the real time.

This pointer must be initialized by a platform dependent add-on module.

Definition at line 91 of file SimSchema.cpp.

_SeCoreExport int se_core::SimSchema::scriptTracker = 0

Definition at line 94 of file SimSchema.cpp.

_SeCoreExport ShowingCutscene se_core::SimSchema::showingCutscene

Container for singly linked list containing instances of SimObject.

This list is used a lot by the MultiSimObject class.

Definition at line 90 of file SimSchema.cpp.

_SeCoreExport SimEngine se_core::SimSchema::simEngine

The main simulation engine object.

SimSchema::simEngine.init() - init simulation engine and registered add-on modules SimSchema::simEngine.initGame() - init simulation engine before new game SimSchema::simEngine.step() - step the simulation engine one timestep forward SimSchema::simEngine.go() - enter a gameloop that lasts until the game is over SimSchema::simEngine.setGameOver() - sets the game as over SimSchema::simEngine.cleanupGame() - cleanup simulation engine after a game SimSchema::simEngine.cleanup() - cleanup simulation engine and registered add-on modules

Definition at line 53 of file SimSchema.cpp.

Referenced by se_core::SimSchema::cleanup(), and se_core::SimSchema::init().

_SeCoreExport SoundCentral se_core::SimSchema::soundCentral

Manager for sound events.

A sound event is cast whenever an actor has requested to make a sound.

Definition at line 83 of file SimSchema.cpp.

_SeCoreExport int se_core::SimSchema::speechCount = 0

Definition at line 96 of file SimSchema.cpp.

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